Know Omee....

Friday, December 28, 2007

Tare Zameen Par....


I believe I too am one like that!!!!


fortunately... yeah.. very very fortunately...

my parents have provided all the love, care and have had abundant patience for me to figure out things for myself at the same time provided unbelievable support and guidance and understand.

I was totalllly speechlesss in fact totally flooded with tears all through the movie.

yes.. even now.. when I am remembering the movie as well as my time in childhood in which i was taken care of by my parents and God so beautifully!

I even am being taken care of! oh well.. I now have my beloved too taking care of me and my heart a lot!


what else to say! what else to thank for!??

I have a very very blessed life , which would have been ended by me some time ago if not for all the lovely people in my life.


Thanks Aamir for such a spendid movie! :) HUGS!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Recently Launched a new company on 21Oct07

The Omkar Nisal Enterprise
in short.. THE O.N.E.

Its a Training Institute for Communication skills, personality development!

:D I love this work! Its amazing!!



STOP!!! STOP!!!! STOP!!!!

Wait a minute please.....

Before u read further.. roll up your mental sleeves!


Now Let me tell you that..

Its all about making a difference in the tiny speck of time we have got on this planet!

And the beauty of technology will forever remain untapped if we dont use it for every one's advantage...

U may be thinking, what this is all about...

Its nothing about me here. I am just an ordinary guy. Really! I will let my friends do talking about me though testimonials and I will talk about my life's biggest project so far! AU-XEL !

Auxel project which targets at eradicating blindness from Earth before 2 Nov 2008, by providing visually challenged people with special goggles that will enable them to HEAR what the digital camera on the goggle will see in front!

Thus there will no longer be any one handicap because they dont have natural sight.

In the process of developing the software and hardware for it..I believe we (AUXEL TEAM) have set TWO WORLD RECORDS!

In fact I believe they are more than world records.. they are the

first-time-in-the-history-of-mankind events!!!

check out for more details. (main site) (pictures of training session as well as picture seen by blind people!)
(commonly asked questions)
(technical details)
(Auxel's introduction in various languages)

Want to be part of this project???

You are welcome with open arms and open hearts!

Well, I believe the testimonial for me do an amazing job of telling you about me! Thank you all my dear ones for such splendid testimonials!!
Dont miss the poem: "She gives my heart a tug" email me after u read it

A lot of what stops people from pursuing success is their fear that they may fail and not reach their destination. When we embrace the fact that we will fail, and that is okay, then we have nothing to fear anymore. Instead, we keep our eyes open and pick ourselves up, adjust from the failure, and move on...

..have successful times without fear

Do visit: I choose to be happy community made by me..

If you wanna know about me simply google search my name OMKAR NISAL !!
you will get all info you need :D

My dear life.. ڸ٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥ﺎ ٱ !!

Du Du Du Du Du Du Du Du Du
Du Du Du Du Du Du Du Du Du

I´m singin´ in the rain
Just singin´ in the rain,
What a glorious feeling,
And I´m happy again.
I´m laughing at clouds
So dark, up above,
The sun´s in my heart
And I´m ready for love.

Let the stormy clouds chase.
Everyone from the place,
Come on with the rain
I have a smile on my face.
I´ll walk down the lane
With a happy refrain
Just singin', singin' in the rain.

Dancing in the rain.

I'm happy again.

I'm singin' and dancin' in the rain.

Dancin' and singin' in the rain.
('Singing In The Rain' lyrics by FRANK SINATRA) <- this book is drastically changing my life! WOW!! (experience sharing)

hometown: Ahmednagar, Pune, Shegaon, London & back to Pune!

I love PMA books!!!
flying, gliding and dancing
hills and jungles....
major passion remains that of helping people!!

and of course...

jokes and fun!!

Badminton!!!!! I love badminton alot!! table and lawn tennis as well.. but BADMINTON RULES!!!

besides that.. I love roaming in forests...thru hills and valleys. going for drives on my bike...

little bit of salsa

& ofcourse orkutting! :)

DEDICATELY WORKING FOR ELIMINATING BLINDNESS AND DEAFNESS FROM EARTH (Target 2nd Nov 2008 and 270 million blind people on Earth)

Ps: U too can join hands with us for this project!


you can win, Jonathan seagull, the one, bridge across forever, one minute manager, success journey,bringing out the leadear in you, magic of thinking BIG, how to win friends and influence people, tough minded faith for tender hearted people, alchemist, acres of diamonds, think and grow rich, wisdom of ages, 7spiritual laws of success, synchrodestiny, what to say when you talk to yourself,as a man thinketh, chicken soupsss, reader's digests, 7 day weekend, rich dad pood dad, cash flow quadrant, real estate riches, questions are the answers, your erroneous zones,Gods are meeting&ur invited, one up on wall street,The Goal, Tipping point,Business The Dell way, Business at speed of thought,future shock, meaning of life, positive imaging, positive thinking, real magic, try giving yourself away, monk who sold his Ferrari, over the top, latest : ONE MINUTE MILLIONAIRE, Finding strength in difficult times.

music: calm, soothing, relaxing, and inspiring music for me!

some times.. dance numbers.. DANCE! <--- SHUT UP and BE HAPPY!!!

F.R.I.E.N.D.S, tom and jerry, (dont like that idiot box much) in fact dont watch TV at all now...


Jerry Maguire, Anand, Lakshya, Back to the Future, Bruce Almighty, DCH, NOtting Hill, Black, Iqbal, Sholay, K3G, Shrek, Ice age, There is somthing abt Mary, notting hill, shwaas, swades, DDLJ, hum tum, matrix, 6th sense,Madagascar, incredibles, bugs life, alladin,finding nemo, what the #$%&# do we know!?

cuisines: any veg dish that is made tasty... or made by loving people....

There is a magic in eating the food made by someone who loves you and cares about you.... I can do anything to have such food!


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Omee's ESP Report

My friend sent me her report of ESP and I was thrilled to read it.
I decided to take this test as well!(

These are some interesting results!!!

I really want to improve on my Telepathy and Remote viewing
Extra sensory perception!


Dont miss the Real Life application of ESP part at the end.


Your esp Report

"ESP" is short for extra-sensory perception. As the name implies, it suggests that you are able to gain knowledge of things and events outside of yourself, and without using your five "normal" senses: taste, touch, sight, hearing, or smell. Having ESP is also known as possessing psychic abilities. As a reminder, you scored as being most psychic in the area of Precognition.

How your ESP ability is determined

There are two ways that your ESP can be determined; Tickle's ESP Test uses them both. The first way Tickle tests psychic ability is by objective analysis. It's called "objective" because objective questions have a right answer to them. For instance, the question, "One of Tickle's employees has a dog. What is its name?" is an objective question. There is only one right answer to it.

On an ESP test, one potential downside of objective questions is that they can sometimes be biased. You might be drawn to give one answer over another based on your own personal experiences or by taking an educated guess. However, even with this bias, an objective score still acts as a good measure of how psychic you're likely to be. If you had no psychic ability at all, you'd theoretically have answered about 6 of the 27 objective questions right. Instead, Tickle found that you answered 5 of them right. This means that you got less of them correct than what would be expected by chance, which indicates that you're relatively less likely to possess unusual psychic talent.

The other way to measure psychic ability is to ask about particular experiences common to those who have unusually high psychic powers. These are called subjective questions because they rely on your ability to recall your own experiences from your perspective. Based on the ESP Test's subjective questions, it appears that at this time you have very strong psychic abilities.

To arrive at your overall ESP score, Tickle's experts combined both types of questions: the objective and subjective. They also examined your abilities in five varieties of ESP. Their analysis included: how well you do at looking into what has occurred in the past (retrocognition), being able to "see" the unknown (clairvoyance), looking into the future (precognition), viewing physical objects from a distance (remote viewing), and being able to tune into others' thoughts (telepathy). To determine your overall psychic ability, they combined all of these skills together to arrive at a composite score. In the sections that follow, you'll find a detailed analysis of your scores on each variety of ESP. Note that your results have been reported relative to how other test takers scored. Because everyone is somewhat psychic, you would have had to score more highly than others did to be considered highly psychic.

Your greatest psychic strength

Of the five key types of ESP, Omee your greatest strength is in Precognition.

Having strong natural ability in precognition makes you more able to tell what will happen in the future, without using information available to you through your five senses. Precognition is the talent possessed by prophets and psychics. You've probably known about this aspect of ESP for a long time, even if you didn't know it by name. For many people, precognition is best represented by the image of a gypsy woman staring into a crystal ball telling someone's future.

Individuals like you who have this ability are sometimes able to utilize it to your advantage; knowing what is going to happen ahead of time can be profound. The problem comes when the events you're seeing in the future are negative. Panic can set in as you wonder whether you can stop bad things from happening. You may not have "seen" enough information to be certain you can make a difference. Oftentimes, people with precognition have visions of things that are going to happen without knowing details like where an event will take place or whom it effects. Depending on the type of information you get, you may not have the whole picture. Most people only have access to a piece of it, and not being able to see the entire thing can be frustrating at times.

Even when precognitive information you receive is positive, it can often be hard to trust. After all, what is fantasy and what is a real vision? By starting to pay more attention to your own predictions, rather than immediately discounting them, you can begin to test your skills. Over time, you'll be able to discern imaginings of what you want to happen in the future from truly psychic thoughts. Pay attention to your dreams as well. Because they're not affected by conscious thoughts, they can be a rich source for the most pure psychic information about the future.

Your complete ESP scores

To develop your ESP, it's worth paying attention to all five types of psychic skill, not only your Precognition. The more you know about each one of your gifts, the more you can use them to improve your life.





Remote Viewing



Precognition is the ability to know things ahead of time. Nostradamus is one famous example of a person with precognitive powers. However, there are many psychics who claim they can tell the future. The more precognitive power you have, the greater your chances will be of knowing about events before they happen. Precognition can come in many forms. One of the most common and reliable of these is through dreams. Dreams can sometimes provide very credible information about future events; however, this form of precognition can often be hardest to believe and interpret. Perhaps this is because your dreams don't seem as real or tangible as knowledge that comes to you while you're awake. That's not to suggest that all dreams are predictions of the future — far from it. Most dreams have nothing to do with precognition. Still, learning to use your dreams as guides, and becoming able to discern which dreams anticipate future events, can be very valuable skills.

Even people who have not honed their precognitive abilities sometimes have episodes of precognition. For example, an old woman named Judy awoke one morning with a strong feeling that her long-lost son would show up that afternoon. As she ran her errands that morning and visited with her friends, she told all of them that her son would be visiting that day. They reminded her that he had up and left years ago and told her she was crazy to think he was coming. Even with their doubt and ridicule, Judy was so sure of her precognition that she turned down other afternoon plans so that she could sit home and wait. That afternoon a car pulled into her driveway. It was her son whom she had not seen in 12 years. Even Judy was amazed that her intuition had been correct. She was thrilled to tell her son that she had been waiting for him.

Your overall score
Overall, you scored 98 out of 100, meaning that you scored higher than 98% of people who took the ESP Test.

Your score on objective questions
Tickle asked a number of objective questions that have definite right and wrong answers to them. A person randomly guessing on the answers to these questions would normally get at most 1 correct. You got 2 out of 4 correct, which translates to a very strong psychic ability in this area.

How to increase your skill
No matter how strong your precognitive abilities are, there is always room to strengthen them. For most people, the best way to access precognitions is through dreams. However, the challenge with dreams is that they're often hard to evaluate at the time you have them. They're also hard to remember during your waking life. By keeping a journal near your bed and writing down your dreams just after you've had them, you give yourself the opportunity to go back and check what you've dreamt from time to time. You can weigh your dreams against real-life events to see if you've made any valid predictions.

It could take months before something comes true, or it could happen somewhat quickly. Sometimes the clue in your dream will be something small, and oftentimes it won't be literal. For instance, one morning a second grade teacher named John woke up after having the strangest dream. There were lots of different parts to it. It seemed that in his mind he had traveled to the jungles and the tops of mountains all in one night. But the part of the dream that really stuck with him was the end. In his dream, he walked into his kitchen to get some coffee and found Betty Crocker there — the woman from the famous baking goods company — surrounded by pies and cakes. John awoke having no idea what this dream meant and went off to work. That afternoon in school, he was leading a discussion about what his class could do to raise money for an upcoming fieldtrip. One of his students suggested having a bake sale. There was great support for the idea from all the other students and the bake sale was decided on. John had to laugh to himself when he was surrounded by cookies and baked goods at their fundraiser the following week.



Retrocognition is the ability to look into the past and get information that is not otherwise available to you through one of your five senses. For some people, this information comes spontaneously. For example, one woman with strong retrocognition skills reported that she was standing by the side of the road one day and flashed upon of a scene of a car accident. This vision had a disturbing effect on her. In fact, it was so compelling and realistic that she set out to determine if a crash had actually taken place there. Upon investigation, she found that indeed, a terrible accident had occurred just days before, exactly as she had envisioned it. However, not everyone with retrocognition experiences these spontaneous flashbacks. Certain individuals with this skill use meditation or purposeful visualization to look back into the past.

Your overall score
Overall, you scored 84 out of 100, meaning that you scored higher on retrocognition than 84% of people who took the ESP Test.

Your score on objective questions
Tickle asked a number of objective questions that have definite right and wrong answers to them. A person randomly guessing on the answers to these questions would normally get at most one correct. You got 1 out of 4 correct, which translates to a strong psychic ability in this area.

How to increase your skill
No matter how skilled you are at retrocognition, there is always room for advancing your ability. The best way to improve is to go to new places and see if you get any feeling about what has happened there in the past. The more you're able to quiet your mind and focus your attention on where you are, the more likely you'll be able to connect. You may get a particular feeling, have a vision, or just experience a kind of "knowingness" about what has happened there before.

Most times, however, you probably won't have a sense about a place. Therefore the more places you go, and the more times you check in with yourself regarding whether you're having any particular reactions to a place, the better chance you'll have of identifying moments of retrocognition. When you believe you're on to something, try to get feedback and validation by asking others what they know about a location's past. You may be surprised to find that you've picked up on a piece of history. Yet at other times, even if your hunches are correct, you may have trouble finding others to confirm them. This is especially true if the events you are sensing happened a very long time ago.



Clairvoyance is the ability to know something that is currently taking place without reliance on any of your five senses to obtain that knowledge. For example, sometimes an individual will suddenly see in their mind's eye an event that is currently transpiring; only later will they get confirmation that what they envisioned truly happened. At other times, clairvoyants will not see the whole picture but will simply sense that something happened. Mostly, clairvoyance is the ability to get information about things: "mindless objects." Take this story of a woman who lost the stone in her wedding ring.

One afternoon during lunch, a woman looked down at her hand only to realize that one of the three diamonds in her wedding ring was gone. She was extremely upset because had no idea when or where she'd lost the stone. She was certain it was gone forever. After breaking the news to her husband, the two began to look all through their house for it, not having any idea where the stone might be. Then suddenly, the husband had a vision that his wife's diamond was on the ground underneath the movie-theater seat she had occupied the night before. He didn't tell her about this vision at first, in case he was mistaken. Instead he told his wife he was going to the store and returned to the theater to look for the diamond. Sure enough, when he reached the spot where they had been sitting, the stone was there, just like he had pictured it. He brought the diamond back to his wife to her great delight and told her about the mental picture that led him to it.

Your overall score
Overall, you scored 66 out of 100, meaning that you scored higher on clairvoyance than 66% of people who took the ESP Test.

Your score on objective questions
Tickle asked a number of objective questions that have definite right and wrong answers to them. A person randomly guessing on the answers to these questions would normally get about 2 correct. You got 3 out of 9 correct, which translates to a moderately strong psychic ability in this area.

How to increase your skill
No matter how clairvoyant you believe yourself to be, this is a skill you can always advance further. To become more clairvoyant, you need only to pay more attention to your hunches. Day-to-day life provides many opportunities to test yourself. However, you may also want to experiment with some cards or dice.

Here's a good exercise to try: Roll a die but don't look at it once you've rolled it. With your eyes closed, try to imagine the number on the die you just rolled. Once you "see" it in your head, say the number out loud and open your eyes. Were you correct? Take a piece of paper and write down the number you rolled and whether you were correct or not. The more you do this, the better you'll become at recognizing when your visions are accurate and when they're not.



Mental telepathy is the ability to know what another person is thinking or visualizing without being told anything about their inner thoughts. Statistically speaking, telepathy is a relatively more common way to exercise your sixth sense. Perhaps that's because it can be easier to get information by reading another person than by trying to obtain information from things like one does with clairvoyance. In some cases, the connections between people seem to somehow support telepathy.

Perhaps you've experienced telepathy in your own life by knowing who is on the line as soon as the phone rings, even if there's no special reason to expect that person to call. You might also have had telepathic experiences where you thought about someone you hadn't talked to in ages, only to have them contact you later that same day. In this latter case, you don't really know whether it was you who experienced the telepathy or if it was the person who did the calling that did. You can check with them to try to straighten it out, but the fact of it may never be clear.

Your overall score
Overall, on telepathy you scored 27 out of 100, meaning that you scored higher than 27% of people who took the ESP Test.

Your score on objective questions
Tickle asked a number of objective questions that have definite right and wrong answers to them. A person randomly guessing on the answers to these questions would normally get about 1 correct. You got 0 out of 5 correct, which translates to a not particularly strong psychic ability in this area.

How to increase your skill
Even people with great telepathic abilities have room to hone their skills. The easiest way for you to do this is to pair up with a friend so you can both practice. Try this: Sit down together with your friend and spend a few minutes calming your minds and relaxing into a quiet, meditative state. Once you're both relaxed, take turns doing the following exercise. One person deliberately thinks about something, like a day that had special significance to them or a particular scene of some kind. The other person tries to connect with what the first person is thinking and then describes what they're picking up. With practice, over time you'll likely get a better sense of when you are picking up a true "signal" from your friend's mind versus simply imagining what they might be thinking or visualizing.

Remote Viewing

Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is the ability, while staying in one place, to "go" somewhere else with the power of your mind and visually see what is there. Space is not a limiting factor for individuals who have strong remote viewing capabilities. Interestingly, there has been substantial experimentation using remote viewers to examine whether or not this type of ESP truly exists and can be relied upon. One example is the government-funded "Stargate" project that had psychics attempt to remotely view foreign targets for intelligence purposes. The viewers' results were good enough that this program received government support for many years. Today it's even the subject of a number of books. However, that doesn't mean that remote viewing has been determined to be foolproof. Although indisputable evidence exists regarding the legitimacy of remote viewing, it's still difficult to rely on this kind of information. Nearly everyone makes mistakes at times, even excellent remote viewers.

Your overall score
Overall, you scored 16 out of 100 on remote viewing, meaning that you scored higher than 16% of people who took the ESP Test.

Your score on objective questions
Tickle asked a number of objective questions that have definite right and wrong answers to them. A person randomly guessing on the answers to these questions would normally get about 1 correct. You got 1 out of 5 correct, which translates to a moderate psychic ability in this area.

How to increase your skill
No matter how solid your remote viewing skills are, this is a difficult ability to master. Obviously some people will always be better remote viewers than others. However, with practice, whatever skills you do have can become more refined over time. In psychic experiments, remote viewers practice their skills systematically. The tester determines the latitude and longitude of a particular place or building, and then the person being tested takes that information and goes to that place in their mind. Once they feel like they have an image of the location, they describe or write down whatever they're picturing. It's most effective to do this kind of experiment using three people, so there is an impartial middle person between the tester and the person being tested. That way the tester can't influence the remote viewer with their thoughts. By using the third person, it's easier to make certain that the ESP ability being displayed is truly remote viewing and not mental telepathy.

Real-life applications of ESP

After all this practicing, you're surely going to want to be able to put your ESP skills to use in your everyday life. Below are some ways that your abilities can actually improve your life. In each instance, you'll be applying your abilities to "read" the current situations in your life. Whether looking at your work, romance, or your health, you can use what you know about ESP to get answers to the questions you've been pondering.

The way you use ESP at work can vary depending on the type of work you do. For instance, say you're a salesperson. You may wish to use ESP to determine whether or not to pursue a potential sales lead. However, before making your ESP the gold standard by which you judge such important matters, make sure you have plenty of practice with your pendulum or with reading situations first. It's vital to be certain that you can trust your perceptions before using them in such important matters. Try doing test readings of potential clients for a period of a few months before you actually use ESP to make any real-world determinations. Over time, hopefully you'll be able to sort out the difference between your feelings about a particular person, for example, and the actual potential viability of striking up a deal with that person. It's also important to remember that when you need to justify your work and reasoning to others, saying that you had a hunch will often not be enough to merit your actions. Having solid background data will be important as well.

Another example of using ESP in the workplace would be when you're testing the waters regarding getting a raise. Before asking for a raise, you can test whether it is a good idea to do so. To do this, try doing a pendulum reading about asking for a raise each night. See what answer you get each day and whether the answers you receive are consistent from day to day. The more days you get the same answer, the more certain you can be about your choice one way or the other. Note that whenever you're using a pendulum for such weighty matters you should test it periodically to make sure it's still working in the way it originally did.

Often the most trying times in romantic relationships can be when you don't know how things between you and your partner are really going. For instance, if you're hoping to settle down, you may want to know, "Is this person really the one?" Alternately, if your relationship is in a rocky place, you may want to ask, "Is this relationship going somewhere positive?" or "Is this situation still good for both of us?"

Using the pendulum to address your questions can be a good place to start. But you can also try another technique. Try this: Write down several different potential futures that you can imagine for your relationship. For example, you could write: Together, happily ever after; Together, but struggling for years; Together, but soon to part; Won't be together very long at all. Put each of these in a different envelope. Then mix them up — or even better, have someone else mix them up for you. Once the envelopes have been shuffled, place your hand on each one and just get a sense of what you feel about it. Does it make you feel calm or anxious? Happy or sad? Hopeful or depressed? Your unconscious may already know the answers that you're attempting to get through ESP. But whatever leads you to a comfortable decision about your relationship is a good thing. At this point you can either open the envelopes to find out if your feelings matched the ending you're hoping for, or you can first use the pendulum on each envelope to see what extra information you find.

One of the premises examined throughout this report is that information is available to you on many levels and in many places, whether you're aware of it or not. This idea also applies to health. Many people believe that you can heal another person from afar simply by sending them positive images of them being well, or by visualizing a stream of white light that you mentally send their way as healing energy. Other people have a hard time believing that this kind of healing is possible.

The next time someone is ill, try sending them a positive mental image of wellness or picture them surrounded in white light. For someone who isn't used to doing this kind of exercise, it can feel strange at first. But when someone is hurting, how can it be bad to do this kind of visualization? At the very least, having positive mental images in your mind can have a positive effect on your mood. Even if the person you're sending the healing energy and thoughts isn't conscious of what you're doing, they may still benefit from your efforts.

Using the mind as a healing tool goes against a lot of principles of Western medicine because it focuses on the whole person — body, mind, and spirit, rather than only on the pathology that Western medicine tends to focus on. Also, Western medicine treats the body almost exclusively. However, even in Western medicine using positive imagery has been shown to help in survival rates in cancer patients and in people with other diseases. It's also been shown to decrease pain levels in some patients. Remember that you don't only have to use the power of your mind to help others heal. You can also use it to facilitate your own healing. Keeping positive images of health in your mind can decrease your stress levels and give your body the extra push it needs to get well.

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